I am trying to pass token and username which I pass from login screen using sharedPreference in data, my api is working properly on postman it response successfully according to my requirement but it's still giving me Error on response.data.
here is my update code
Dio dio=new Dio();
var data={
'username': getname,
'token': getaccesstoken
await dio
.post(localhostUrlTimeIn,data: json.encode(data))
.then((onResponse) async {
here are the logs
I/flutter (17731): 1
I/flutter (17731): x-powered-by: Express
I/flutter (17731): connection: keep-alive
I/flutter (17731): keep-alive: timeout=5
I/flutter (17731): date: Wed, 09 Jun 2021 21:07:41 GMT
I/flutter (17731): content-length: 7
I/flutter (17731): etag: W/"7-Vuu5vA8hV5HSudFEr8bWQajjaE0"
I/flutter (17731): content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
I/flutter (17731): 200
I/flutter (17731): Error
----------------------------------UPDATED ------------------------
here is the backend code
jwt.verify(req.body.token, 'secret' , function(err, decoded) {
if (err)
err["expiredAt"] = err["expiredAt"].toLocaleString();
let today = new Date()
Today = today.toLocaleString();
var date = Today.split(",")
var document = new User();
var dat = date[0];
var da = dateformat(dat,"yyyy-mm-dd")
document.username= data[0].username;
document.Date = da;
document.TimeIn = date[1];
document.TimeOut = "";
document.manager_id= data[0].manager_id,
document.code = data[0].code
var token = jwt.sign({
data: 'foobar'
}, 'secret', { expiresIn: "30 minute"})
res.status(200).json({auth: true, AccessToken: token})
and here i call above method in app.js file
const TimeIn = require('./routes/TimeInTimeOut')
console.log("api hit")
and here is where i am checking token,which is created in app.js file!!
function checkToken(req,res,result){
const header= req.body.token;
if(typeof header !== 'undefined'){
const bearer =header.split('.');
const token = bearer[1]
req.token = token
i am getting now this error in frontend
DioError [DioErrorType.response]: Http status error [300]
and here is the backend output
Please help me, i have tried it too much but still getting error.
Your response is fully working. You do get data back and a 200 status code. This means the request was a succes. You are assigning error to the data in the request serverside. The issue isn't in your request in the client.
// headers
I/flutter (17731): 1
I/flutter (17731): x-powered-by: Express
I/flutter (17731): connection: keep-alive
I/flutter (17731): keep-alive: timeout=5
I/flutter (17731): date: Wed, 09 Jun 2021 21:07:41 GMT
I/flutter (17731): content-length: 7
I/flutter (17731): etag: W/"7-Vuu5vA8hV5HSudFEr8bWQajjaE0"
I/flutter (17731): content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
I/flutter (17731): 200
I/flutter (17731): Error