I have a Windows Server 2019 machine with IIS 10.
I want to create a global URL Rewrite Rule, but when I click on "Add rule", choose "Blank rule" and click on OK, the IIS window disappears. The IIS window crashes. How can this issue be solved?
I've tried "%windir%\System32\Inetsrv\InetMgr.exe /reset" and "iisreset". I've also removed every IIS entry under the Windows Roles and uninstalled "IIS-URL-Rewrite-Modul 2". After that I added the IIS roles and installed the "IIS-URL-Rewrite-Modul 2" again, without luck.
When I create a blank rule under a site, it works and the window does not crash.
Thank you!
Ok, thank you very much. There was a problem with the file applicationHost.config in the directory C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\Config