I currently have a DataFrame containing info on e-mails sent from one job title to another.
fromJobtitle toJobtitle e-mails
0 CEO CEO 65
1 CEO Director 23
2 CEO Employee 56
3 CEO In House Lawyer 7
4 CEO Manager 104
.. ... ... ...
87 Vice President Managing Director 112
88 Vice President President 385
89 Vice President Trader 78
90 Vice President Unknown 1088
91 Vice President Vice President 2304
And I am looking for a way so that it is possible to get a total count for each job title. The example output would be:
totalJobtitle e-mails
0 CEO 670
1 Managing Director 2341
2 Vice President 4720
3 Employee 3560
4 Trader 250
a small example of what I could work with
d = {'fromJobtitle': ["CEO", "CEO","VicePresident","VicePresident"], 'mail': [3, 4, 5, 6 ]}
df = pd.DataFrame(data=d)
fromJobtitle mail
0 CEO 3
1 CEO 4
2 VicePresident 5
3 VicePresident 6
now this:
df = pd.pivot_table(df, index=['fromJobtitle'],values=['mail'],aggfunc=np.sum)
fromJobtitle mail
VicePresident 11
the source of the function: https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/reference/api/pandas.pivot_table.html