I know this might seem like a duplicated question, but I really could not find what I'm doing wrong... I wrote a .pyx file in order to compile it into a .pyd with cython. Long story short, it compiles my file just fine and creates a .pyd file. However, when I try to import that .pyd file I get an error saying No module named: "name_of_module". Note that this is my first time trying cython...
I am using venv with python3.9 on windows 10. I have cython installed along with minGW. To compile it into the .pyd file, I imply type in the command prompt in the same directory as the .pyx file:
python setup.py build_ext --inplace
Here is my setup.py file to cythonize my .pyx file:
from setuptools import setup, Extension
from Cython.Build import cythonize
extensions = [Extension('negamax_cy', ['negamax_cy.pyx'])]
setup(ext_modules=cythonize(extensions, language_level=3))
This is my .pyx file:
from connect4.constants import COLS, ROWS
from .position import Position
cdef int COLUMN_ORDER[7]
cdef int x
for x in range(COLS):
COLUMN_ORDER.append(COLS // 2 + (1 - 2 * (x % 2)) * (1 + x) // 2)
cpdef int negamax(pos, int depth, int alpha, int beta):
if pos.can_win(): # Check if current player can win this move
return 1000 - pos.moves*2
cdef long next_move = pos.possible_non_loosing_moves()
if next_move == 0: # Check for moves which are not losing moves
return -1000 + pos.moves # If we have 2 or more forcing moves we lose
if depth == 0: # Check if we have reached max depth
return 0
if pos.moves == ROWS * COLS: # Check for a draw game
return 0
cdef int col = 0
for col in COLUMN_ORDER[col]:
if next_move & Position.column_mask(col):
pos_cp = Position(position=pos)
score = -negamax(pos_cp, depth - 1, -beta, -alpha)
if score >= beta:
return score
alpha = max(alpha, score)
return alpha
My project structure is as follow (I am trying to do a connect4 game with an A.I. in pygame):
Note that main.py imports file_where_pyd_is_imported.py
When I import I simply type:
import negamax_cy
this is the error I get:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:\Users\dalla\Documents\Coding Projects\python\games\connect4\main.py", line 5, in <module>
from ai.negamax import mp_best_move, best_move, print_avg
File "D:\Users\dalla\Documents\Coding Projects\python\games\connect4\ai\negamax.py", line 7, in <module>
import negamax_cy
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'negamax_cy'
As I said I don't know what is wrong. Maybe it has to do with my project structure or something, or my setup.py file, but I am unsure... If anyone has an idea let me know.
Well turns in python3 I have to import it like this:
from . import negamax_cy