I've got the following code in a terraform module:
locals {
txt_records = flatten(
for i in var.DnsZones :
zone_name = i.ZoneName
resource_group_name = i.ResourceGroup
name = "@"
ttl = i.Ttl
records = i.TxtRecords
resource "azurerm_dns_zone" "zone" {
count = length(var.DnsZones)
name = var.DnsZones[count.index].ZoneName
resource_group_name = var.DnsZones[count.index].ResourceGroup
resource "azurerm_dns_txt_record" "record-txt" {
count = length(local.txt_records)
resource_group_name = local.txt_records[count.index].resource_group_name
zone_name = local.txt_records[count.index].zone_name
ttl = local.txt_records[count.index].ttl
name = local.txt_records[count.index].name
record {
value = local.txt_records[count.index].records[0]
record {
value = local.txt_records[count.index].records[1]
record {
value = local.txt_records[count.index].records[2]
record {
value = local.txt_records[count.index].records[3]
record {
value = local.txt_records[count.index].records[4]
record {
value = local.txt_records[count.index].records[5]
record {
value = local.txt_records[count.index].records[6]
depends_on = [azurerm_dns_zone.zone]
It doesn't seem like a very clean way of adding record blocks, but i can't find a better way of doing it.
I've tried refactoring it in this way:
resource "azurerm_dns_txt_record" "record-txt" {
count = length(local.txt_records)
resource_group_name = local.txt_records[count.index].resource_group_name
zone_name = local.txt_records[count.index].zone_name
ttl = local.txt_records[count.index].ttl
name = local.txt_records[count.index].name
dynamic "record" {
for_each = local.txt_records[count.index].records
iterator = i
content {
value = i.value
depends_on = [azurerm_dns_zone.zone]
but unfortunately, this results in a single MX record in our DNS where we should have 7 items inserted. It seems that each item gets inserted on top of the previous one.
As you can see each of the record blocks needs to be separated in the resource: MX record resource
Can anyone think of a better way of structuring this terraform?
Your dynamic block should be:
dynamic "record" {
for_each = local.txt_records[count.index].records
content {
value = record.value
dynamic "record" {
for_each = local.txt_records[count.index].records
content {
value = i.value