I want to connect to Azure cosmos DB in ruby file, Please can anyone suggest how can I connect with the DB , is there any gem available, to which I can pass connection string of that DB .
The following info worked for me, I found it here Connect to CosmosDB using RUBY
If you have not already, first specify connection properties in an ODBC DSN (data source name). This is the last step of the driver installation. You can use the Microsoft ODBC Data Source Administrator to create and configure ODBC DSNs.
You need the following info from CosmosDB
AccountEndpoint: The Cosmos DB account URL from the Keys blade of the Cosmos DB account AccountKey: In the Azure portal, navigate to the Cosmos DB service and select your Azure Cosmos DB account. From the resource menu, go to the Keys page. Find the PRIMARY KEY value and set AccountKey to this value.
you will need to install the following gems
gem install dbi
gem install dbd-odbc
gem install ruby-odbc
The write something like this
#connect to the DSN
require 'DBI'
cnxn = DBI.connect('DBI:ODBC:CData CosmosDB Source','','')
#execute a SELECT query and store the result set
resultSet = cnxn.execute("SELECT City, CompanyName FROM Customers")
#display the names of the columns
resultSet.column_names.each do |name|
print name, "\t"
#display the results
while row = resultSet.fetch do
(0..resultSet.column_names.size - 1).each do |n|
print row[n], "\t"
#close the connection
cnxn.disconnect if cnxn