I have a table products which contains information like
id | product_name | retailer_name |
1 | Shirt | Gucci |
This table has a OneToMany connection with product_prices which contains information like
id | price | country | product_id |
100 | 95.5 | United Kingdom | 1 |
101 | 97.5 | France | 1 |
300 | 70.9 | EUROPEAN_UNION | 1 |
I need to create an MySQL or JPQL query which will retrieve
So for example: In case country United Kingdom is chosen -> then it will retrieve:
- Shirt Gucci 95.5
In case country Italy is chosen -> then it will retrieve:
- Shirt Gucci 70.9
As you can remark, in the second example, system retrieved EUROPEAN_UNION price because Italy could not be found.
In case country EUROPEAN_UNION is chosen -> then it will retrieve:
- Shirt Gucci 70.9
As you can remark, in the third example, system retrieved EUROPEAN_UNION price because EUROPEAN_UNION country was found.
How can I achieve that ?
I have in tried in JPQL something like :
select new com.ProductDTOWithPrice(p.id, p.product_name, p.retailer_name, " +
"pr.price) " +
"from Product p " +
"join ProductPrice pr " +
"where p.id =:productId and (case when pr.country=:country then 1 " +
"else when pr.country.id = EUROPEAN_UNION then 1 end)"
Also, tried to make multiple selects or use exists, but still, I can not figure it out. I am getting stuck on retrieving ''price''.
select p.id, p.name,
Max(IF(pp.country_id = :countryId, true, false)) as mainCountry,
Max(IF(pp.country_id = 400, true, false)) as europeanCountry
from products p
join product_prices pp on p.id = pp.product_id
where p.id = '0002fb8977754949bf4da70535e1a2e6'
GROUP BY p.id;
Any help please ?
I have solved the problem using MYSQL :
SELECT p.id,
(CASE WHEN (pp.country_id = :country ) THEN 3
WHEN (pp.country_id = EUROPEAN_UNION) THEN 2
ELSE 0 END ) AS priorityIndex
FROM products p
INNER JOIN product_prices pp
ON p.id = pp.product_id
WHERE p.id = '0002fb8977754949bf4da70535e1a2e6'
ORDER BY priorityIndex DESC
If anyone knows a better solution, please let me know.