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Cannot connect to the Docker daemon via docker-sdk golang

Docker is running, ContainerExecCreate creates a container, but ContainerExecAttach returns: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix: ///var/run/docker.sock in response. Is the docker daemon running?

What could be the problem.

import (

    client ""

func (d *docker) ExecAttach(instanceName string, command []string, out io.Writer) (int, error) {
    e, err := d.c.ContainerExecCreate(context.Background(), instanceName, types.ExecConfig{Cmd: command, AttachStdout: true, AttachStderr: true, Tty: true})
    if err != nil {
        return 0, err
    resp, err := d.c.ContainerExecAttach(context.Background(), e.ID, types.ExecConfig{AttachStdout: true, AttachStderr: true, Tty: true})
    if err != nil {
        return 0, err


  • It looks normal. May depend on the state of the docker at the time of the call. It is possible to check docker via Ping or just wait one second.