I have a class as follows:
class Hamburger():
topping_methods = {}
@prepare_topping("burger", "onion_ring")
def cook(self, stuff, temp):
h = Hamburger()
I want the prepare_topping decorator to add entries in Hamburger.topping_methods
so that it looks like:
{"burger":< cook method reference >, "onion_ring": < cook method reference >}
The kicker is that I need this to happen before the initializer of the class is run (The real use-case is that the dict is used for registering event callbacks in the initializer.) but because I want to access the class variable, it needs to be after the class is defined.
This is as far as I've got with the decorator logic:
def prepare_topping(*args):
def deco(func):
# This is when I want to add to class dict, but cannot access method arguments yet
print(eval(func.__qualname__.split(".")[0]).topping_methods) # Gets class that method belongs to in a hacky way, but the class is not yet defined
def wrapper(self, *args):
print(self.topping_methods) # Only run if the method is called, which is after __init__
return func(self, *args)
return wrapper
return deco
I realise I will never be able to access the method self
argument to achieve this as I want to do stuff regardless of whether or not the method is actually called. Is there a way I can have the decorator run only after the class has been defined? Is there some other way I could achieve this while still using decorators?
You can use a superclass and the __init_subclass__
hook to wire things up:
class CookeryClass:
topping_methods: dict
def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs):
cls.topping_methods = {}
for obj in vars(cls).values():
if hasattr(obj, "topping_keys"):
for key in obj.topping_keys:
cls.topping_methods[key] = obj
def prepare_topping(*keys):
def decorator(func):
func.topping_keys = keys
return func
return decorator
class Hamburger(CookeryClass):
@prepare_topping("burger", "onion_ring")
def cook(self, stuff, temp):
@prepare_topping("mayonnaise", "pineapples")
def not_on_a_pizza_surely(self, stuff, temp):
This prints out
'burger': <function Hamburger.cook at 0x000001EA49D293A0>,
'onion_ring': <function Hamburger.cook at 0x000001EA49D293A0>,
'mayonnaise': <function Hamburger.not_on_a_pizza_surely at 0x000001EA49D29430>,
'pineapples': <function Hamburger.not_on_a_pizza_surely at 0x000001EA49D29430>,