I am studying the correlation between word occurrence and the response variable. To do so I am trying to create a dictionary of dictionaries with the following structure:
Everything looks working, except for the last line of my code.
Here's some data example:
data = pd.DataFrame({
'message': ['Weather update', 'the Hurricane is over',
'Checking the weather', 'beautiful weather'],
'label': [0, 1, 0, 1]
and my code:
word_count = {}
for idx,msg in enumerate(data['message']):
msg = msg.lower()
label = data['label'][idx]
for word in msg.split():
I get the following error:
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-72-b195c90ef226> in <module>
6 for word in msg.split():
7 word_count[word]={}
----> 8 word_count[word][label]=word_count.get(word,0)+1
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'dict' and 'int'
The output I am trying to obtain is the following
{'weather': {0: 2}, 'update': {0: 1},'the': {1: 1},'hurricane': {1: 1},
'is':{1:1},'over':{1:1}, 'checking':{0:1},'the':{0:1},'weather':{1:1},
I tried various solutions but I can't get the counter working, just assigning values to the keys.
I have also only found posts here about counting from an already existing nested dictionary, whereas here is the opposite, however, please direct me to the appropriate post if I missed it.
Your desired output cannot be obtained in python as you can't have two different values for the same key in a dictionary. Keys have to be unique. Here is what I came up with:
data = pd.DataFrame({
'message': ['Weather update', 'the Hurricane is over',
'Checking the weather', 'beautiful weather'],
'label': [0, 1, 0, 1]
word_count = {}
for idx,msg in enumerate(data['message']):
msg = msg.lower()
label = data['label'][idx]
for word in msg.split():
word_count[word][label] = word_count.setdefault(word, {}).setdefault(label, 0)+1
{'weather': {0: 2, 1: 1}, 'update': {0: 1}, 'the': {1: 1, 0: 1}, 'hurricane': {1: 1}, 'is': {1: 1}, 'over': {1: 1}, 'checking': {0: 1}, 'beautiful': {1: 1}}