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How to deserialize a JSON stream to a JToken?

I want to deserialize a JSON stream to an JToken object (It could be JObject/JArray/JToken, but referred to as JToken). I want to use the result as an JToken object, not some other class instance like most examples show.

How can this be done?


  • To load a Stream as a JToken, you can use either of the following:

    First create one or both of the following methods:

    public static partial class JsonExtensions
        public static JToken LoadFromStream(Stream s, JsonLoadSettings settings = default, bool closeInput = true, FloatParseHandling? floatParseHandling = default, DateParseHandling? dateParseHandling = default)
            using (var reader = new StreamReader(s))
            using (var jsonReader = new JsonTextReader(reader) { CloseInput = closeInput })
                if (floatParseHandling != null)
                    jsonReader.FloatParseHandling = floatParseHandling.Value;
                if (dateParseHandling != null)
                    jsonReader.DateParseHandling = dateParseHandling.Value;
                // You might also need to configure DateTimeZoneHandling, DateFormatString and Culture to fully control loading of dates and times.
                return JToken.Load(jsonReader, settings);
        public static T Deserialize<T>(Stream s, JsonSerializerSettings settings = default, bool closeInput = true)
            // This method taken from this answer
            // By
            // To
            // And modified to pass in settings and control whether the input stream is closed
            using (var reader = new StreamReader(s))
            using (var jsonReader = new JsonTextReader(reader) { CloseInput = closeInput })
                JsonSerializer ser = JsonSerializer.CreateDefault(settings);
                return ser.Deserialize<T>(jsonReader);

    Given those methods, you can do either:

    var token = JsonExtensions.LoadFromStream(stream, new JsonLoadSettings {  /* Add your preferred load settings here */});


    var token = JsonExtensions.Deserialize<JToken>(stream, new JsonSerializerSettings { /* Add your preferred serializer settings here */ });


    Demo fiddle here.