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Postgresql - optimize the sql to pick top 3 subjects by performance for every student

I have a table containing students and their marks across subjects(multiple evaluations for same subject are there). I want to write a sql to output the result as per below requirement.

  1. Top 3 subjects should be picked for every student and pick 2 rows for every subject.
  2. Pick 3 subjects with highest marks, 2nd row has to be from the same subjects.
  3. There can be same marks in different subjects and same subject as well. Pick any if marks are same.
  4. Subject for a student may not be together and might be scattered across table, i have shown them together for the ease of visualization.


student_id  |   subject     | marks
1           | sub-1         | 10
1           | sub-1         | 50
1           | sub-1         | 25
1           | sub-1         | 50

1           | sub-10        | 2
1           | sub-10        | 85
1           | sub-10        | 40

1           | sub-3         | 10
1           | sub-3         | 5
1           | sub-3         | 55
1           | sub-3         | 65
1           | sub-3         | 70

1           | sub-4         | 90
1           | sub-4         | 50
1           | sub-4         | 25

1           | sub-6         | 20
1           | sub-6         | 70
1           | sub-6         | 35

Required result:

student_id  |   subject     | marks
1           | sub-4         | 90
1           | sub-4         | 50
1           | sub-10        | 85
1           | sub-10        | 40
1           | sub-6         | 70
1           | sub-6         | 35

I am able to solve it by using the sql mentioned below:

with cte as
select * from (
dense_rank() over(partition by order by s.marks desc) dense_rank_number,
row_number() over (partition by, s.subject order by marks desc)  row_num,
    select, d.subject, count(*) 
    from student d
    group by, d.subject
    having count(*) >= 2
) t join student s on = and t.subject = s.subject 
order by 1, 2
) t5
where t5.row_num <= 2
cte1 as 
(select e.dense_rank_number, e.row_num,, min(e.subject) as subject, e.marks from cte e
where e.row_num = 1 and e.dense_rank_number <= 3
group by, e.row_num, e.marks, e.dense_rank_number

cte2 as 
    select cte.* 
    from cte, cte1 
    where = 
    and cte.subject = cte1.subject 
    and cte.row_num != cte1.row_num 
select * from cte1
select * from cte2

Is there a better way to write this sql ? Demo can be found here:


  • If I understand correctly, you want the subjects with the three highest marks per student. And then you want the two highest marks in that subject. If so, I would suggest:

    select s.*
    from (select s.*,
                 dense_rank() over (partition by id order by max_marks desc, subject) as seqnum_s
          from (select s.*,
                       row_number() over (partition by id, subject order by marks desc) as seqnum,
                       max(marks) over (partition by id, subject) as max_marks
                from student s
               ) s
          where seqnum <= 2
         ) s
    where seqnum_s <= 3
    order by, max_marks, subject, marks desc;