Is there a way to disable the creation of a "log note" when I send an email using the send_mail()
method of mail.template?
Basically what I'm doing is sending an email to all team members every time a ticket is opened in the helpdesk. the problem is that in the ticket itself, it creates as many log notes for me as there are emails I send.
How can I disable the creation of log notes?
Thanks in advance
I had the same issue which you are facing so my solution :
mail_id = template_valuess.with_context(
ctx).send_mail(, force_send=True)
if mail_id:
mail_obj = self.env['mail.mail'].sudo().browse(mail_id)
mail_message_id = mail_obj.mail_message_id
mail_message_id.res_id = False
It worked for me as i unlinked the res_id.
Note: If someone has better option, please add as i'm looking for alternative too.