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Python Pandas colour background cell if number equals

I am currently able to change the background of a cell using the following code:

def my_func_blue(val):
    if val in techniques:
        color = 'green'
        return f'background-color: {color}'
    elif val in Fulltechniques:
        color = 'red'
        return f'background-color: {color}'
s =

I want to be able to add another IF statement into

"if val in techniques" 

so if the occurrence is MORE THAN 1 it applies the colour:


Technique_Name  Technique_ID    SOC Alarm   Occurance
0   Sudo and Sudo Caching   T1548.003   002 1
1   Elevated Execution with Prompt  T1548.004   003 1
13  Cloud Account   T1087.004   015 2
14  Cloud Account   T1087.004   032 2
15  Account Manipulation    T1098   016 1

So only the cell which contains Cloud Account would have the background colour of Green


  • If logic is more complicated is possible chain multiple conditions, e.g. here m1 with m2 for create Dataframe of styles and if necessary create excel file:

    techniques = ['Cloud Account','Account Manipulation']
    Fulltechniques = ['Sudo and Sudo Caching']
    def my_func_blue(x): 
       c1 = 'background-color: green'
       c2 = 'background-color: red'
       c = ''
       m1 = x.Technique_Name.str.contains('|'.join(techniques))
       m2 = x.Technique_Name.str.contains('|'.join(Fulltechniques))
       m3 =
       df1 = pd.DataFrame(c, index=x.index, columns=x.columns)
       df1 = df1.mask(m1 & m3, c1).mask(m2, c2)
       return df1
             .to_excel('styled.xlsx', engine='openpyxl', index=False))