Search code examples Accept Hosted Redirect Methods webhook response have responseCode 0

We are using Accept Hosted Redirect Methods for our payment.

Some transaction's webhook callback have responseCode 0. But these transactions are listed as approved in ANET account. In our webhook code , we are processing only the responses with responseCode 1. But when we take the transaction details using the ANET PHP SDK(Method GetTransactionDetails ) , it returns response code as 1.

Can any one help us to identify why the responseCode parameter have value 0.

Response received via hook callback

    "notificationId": "************",
    "eventType": "net.authorize.payment.authcapture.created",
    "eventDate": "2021-04-14T21:52:39.1188391Z",
    "webhookId": "********************",
    "payload": {
        "responseCode": 0,
        "authAmount": 115.00,
        "merchantReferenceId": "******************",
        "invoiceNumber": "**********",
        "entityName": "transaction",
        "id": "************"


  • During the day "2021-04-14T21:52:39.1188391Z" there is some update happens from the ANET Side. As per the feedback from the ANET Support team they are worked on the WEBHOOK section exactly on the same day