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How to update react state when using contextBridge/preload in electron app

I have an electron application that is using react. I am using the contextBridge in preload.js. I would like to pass a variable from app.js through the bridge to a function in the main process; which returns a value to the bridge and back to app.js where it will somehow update state and trigger a rerender. The following code is working up to the point of getting state to update. I do not understand how to get a variable from preload.js to app.js? My hopefully-temporary hack is to set localstorage from the preload and call a setTimeout function to watch for changes on specific variables. I know this is a less than interesting approach. Code is here:

app.js -

async function createSpreadsheet() {
  let x = await

preload.js -

const { ipcRenderer, contextBridge, net } = require('electron');

contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld('electron', {
  google: {
    createSpreadsheetFiles(name) {
      ipcRenderer.send('gCreateSpreadSheetFile', name);
      let x = ipcRenderer.on('gCreateSpreadSheetFile-return', function (event, arg) {
      return x

main.js -

  ipcMain.on('gCreateSpreadSheetFile', (event, name) => {
    async function all() {
      let resp = await g.createSheetFile(name, win)
      event.sender.send('gCreateSpreadSheetFile-return', resp)


  • You can use ipcRenderer invoke and ipcMain handle:


    contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld('electron', {
      google: {
        createSpreadsheetFiles: (name) => ipcRenderer.invoke('gCreateSpreadSheetFile-invoke', name),


    ipcMain.handle('gCreateSpreadSheetFile-invoke', (event, name) => {
      return 'value';

    renderer => {
    // or
    var value = await;

    On the documentation: