I need to consolidate 20 databases that have the same structure into 1 database. I saw this post: Consolidate data from many different databases into one with minimum latency
I didn't understand all of this so let me ask like this: There are some table who have primary keys but don't have sourceID, example:
DataBase 1
AgencyID Name
1 Apple
2 Microsoft
Database 2
AgencyID Name
1 HP
2 Microsoft
It's obvious that these two tables cannot be merged like this, it needs aditional column:
DataBase 1
Source AgencyID Name
DB1 1 Apple
DB1 2 Microsoft
Database 2
Source AgencyID Name
DB2 1 HP
DB2 2 Microsoft
If this is the right way of doing this, can these two tables be merged in one database like this:
Source AgencyID Name
DB1 1 Apple
DB1 2 Microsoft
DB2 1 HP
DB2 2 Microsoft
...and is it possible to do it with Transactional replication?
Thanks in advance for the answer, it would be really helpful if I would get the right answer for this.
I solved the problem. Now I am using Transactional Replication. In "Publication Properties > Article Properties" I have to set "Action if name is in use" flag to "Keep existing object unchanged". Default is "Drop existing object and create a new one". In SQL 2008 even when I change table scheme these changes are applied to consolidation database.