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Does sending an email through aws require only AccessKey and SecretKey?

im using this dependency to send email through AWS and i don't see where can I set host, username, ports and password. is there a way to set it does anyone know how to usethis php-aws-ses?


  • Yes, you specify accessKey and secretKey here:

         * Constructor
         * @param string $accessKey Access key
         * @param string $secretKey Secret key
         * @param string $host Amazon Host through which to send the emails
         * @param boolean $trigger_errors Trigger PHP errors when AWS SES API returns an error
         * @param string $requestSignatureVersion Version of the request signature
         *               Currently only V4 supported by AWS. Keeping parameter for BW compatibility reasons.
        public function __construct($accessKey = null, $secretKey = null, $host = self::AWS_US_EAST_1, $trigger_errors = true, $requestSignatureVersion = self::REQUEST_SIGNATURE_V4) {
            if ($accessKey !== null && $secretKey !== null) {
                $this->setAuth($accessKey, $secretKey);
            $this->__host = $host;
            $this->__trigger_errors = $trigger_errors;
            $this->__requestSignatureVersion = $requestSignatureVersion;