I'd like to get an Azure Function working where the function gets triggered on every new item, modify of an existing item, or deletion of an item in the CosmosDB. The documentation i've been able to find so far is always about CosmosDB functioning as a documentDB.
However, I am using cosmosdb as a table storage for simple data. I've also found seperate documentation for Azure Table Storage which would trigger Azure Function, but i'm uncertain if that applies to CosmosDB also? To me it doesn't seem usable as it triggers on a queue message. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-functions/functions-bindings-storage-table-input?tabs=python
I currently have a function which puts data into the table using the python SDK. So there is not queue message to trigger off of.
Does anyone know how I create a function like this? A trigger on the control plane operation for the Table? So I can have the function look at the data in the table for that specific request.
I'd like to get an Azure Function working where the function gets triggered on every new item, modify of an existing item, or deletion of an item in the CosmosDB.
Azure function doesn't offer such a trigger to achieve what you want. You can design your own logic.
Such as:
1, Create a http trigger, call the http trigger after you finish the operations.
2, Create a queue trigger, send messages to queue trigger after you finish the operations.