Search code examples

Update list when input value changes

I have three components: the main component, input component and the list component. When I start typing in the input field. I want the list to update with all matching results of what I typed. I have the timeout function and it works. It is confusing me because the input and list components aren't children or parents of each other.

But how would I connect the components to work together for that?

Main component:

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import Header from './Components/Header/Header'
import Input from './Components/Input/Input'
import List from './Components/List/List'
import './index.css';

    <Header title="Contacts"/>
    <Input type="text" />
    <List />

List Component:

import { useState, useEffect } from 'react'
import ListItem from './ListItem'
import fetchData from '../../API/api'

import '../../index.css'

function List(params){
    const API_LINK = '';
    const [ data , fetchedData ] = useState([]);

    const options = {
        startCallback: (data) => {return fetchedData(data)}
    useEffect( () => {
        fetchData(API_LINK).then((data) => fetchedData(data));
    }, []) 

    return (
        <ul className="list">{
                (fetchedData) => {return <ListItem key={} avatarImage={fetchedData.avatar}
                personName={fetchedData.first_name} personSurname={fetchedData.last_name} personMail={}

export default List;

Input Component:

import { useRef } from 'react';
import { BsSearch } from 'react-icons/bs'
import '../../index.css'

function Input(type){
    const focusInput = useRef(null)

    function makeFocus(){

    function onInputChange(e){
        setTimeout(() => {
        }, 2500)

    return (
        <div className="searchBar-box" onClick={makeFocus}>
            <i className="searchBar-box__icon"><BsSearch /></i>
            <input className="searchBar-box__input" ref={focusInput} type={type} onChange={onInputChange}></input>

export default Input;


  • you can level up input value in component what contain input and list

    for example:

    function ListWithFilter() {
       const [searchWord, setSearchWord] = useState('');
      return <>
        <Input value={searchWord} setValue={setSeachWord} />
        <List searchWord={searchWord} />
    function Input (props) {
     return <input value={props.value} onChange={(e) => props.setValue(} />
    function List(props) {
        const listData = ['hello', 'world', 'hello wold'];
        const filtered = listData.filter(s => s.includes(props.searchWord));
        return <div>{ => div)}</div>