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Azure DevOps Pipelines Agent Pool via Terraformed Scale Set

I was tasked with creating a Linux-based Scale Set for use with Azure DevOps Pipelines in Terraform.

I have everything set up for the basics; however, when I click on the Agents tab in the Agent pools area of my DevOps Project, I get the message:

No agents are connected Azure virtual machine scale set agents will appear here when they are created.

I assume that I need the agent installed using these instructions.

What I have done so far:

  1. Terraform my Azure Scale Set using azurerm_linux_virtual_machine_scale_set - I am using UbuntuServer 18.04-LTS
  2. Add the CustomScript extension via azurerm_virtual_machine_scale_set_extension
  3. Pass in a custom commandToExecute parameter read from a file in Terraform
  4. In my DevOps project, add a new Agent pool that uses the Scale Set created

In my custom script, I have the basic download and unpacking of the Linux agent:

mkdir azure-agent
curl -sSL --output vsts-agent.tar.gz
tar -zxf vsts-agent.tar.gz -C azure-agent

Per the instructions, I need to run the script, which is interactive.

My questions are these:

  1. Is there a better way to do this than running the custom script to install the agent?
  2. If there is not a better way to do this, how can I get the data that the agent needs into the VMs without running the script?

I looked through the output of az vm extension image list --output table and did not see anything in there besides the Microsoft.Azure.Monitor set of extensions, which does not seem like what I'd want to use and I didn't see any anything labeled "vsts". Using az vm image list --all didn't turn up anything I noticed, either.

Update 1

After playing around I was able to find Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.TeamServicesAgentLinux v1.21, with some basic settings:

  settings = jsonencode({
    "isPipelinesAgent"        = true
    "agentFolder"             = "/agent"
    "agentDownloadUrl"        = ""
    "enableScriptDownloadUrl" = ""

This still doesn't give me options for what the script asks for when run.

Update 2

I followed the suggestion from @Joy and was able to verify that my script I created runs successfully. Which looks like this and functions just fine if I SSH into a VM and execute it:

set -e

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install -y jq apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl gnupg lsb-release python3 python3-pip

sudo apt install -y liblttng-ust0 libkrb5-3 zlib1g

sudo apt install -y libssl1.1 || \
  sudo apt install -y libssl1.0.2 || \
  sudo apt install -y libssl1.0.0

sudo apt install -y libicu67 || \
  sudo apt install -y libicu66 || \
  sudo apt install -y libicu63 || \
  sudo apt install -y libicu60 || \
  sudo apt install -y libicu57 || \
  sudo apt install -y libicu55 || \
  sudo apt install -y libicu52

# download the Azure script & run the setup
if [[ -d vsts-install ]]; then
  rm -Rf vsts-install

mkdir vsts-install
cd vsts-install

curl -sSL --output vsts.tgz
tar -zxf vsts.tgz

./ --unattended \
            --url \
            --auth pat \
            --token "MY_TOKEN" \
            --pool TerraformedDevOpsPool \

sudo ./ install || true
sudo ./ stop || true
sudo ./ start

The problem is that when I have it set up in my node pool, it is not executing. I am doing that through this Terraform configuration:

resource "azurerm_virtual_machine_scale_set_extension" "pipeliens_vms_custom_script" {
  name                         = "TestingExtension"
  virtual_machine_scale_set_id =
  publisher                    = "Microsoft.Azure.Extensions"
  type                         = "CustomScript"
  type_handler_version         = "2.0"

  settings = jsonencode({
    "commandToExecute" = file(abspath("./scripts/"))

I just need to figure out how to view the failures from the script or figure out why it's not launching the way I expect it to.

Update 3

Switched to this an it runs:

resource "azurerm_linux_virtual_machine_scale_set" "pipelines_vms" {
  custom_data                     = base64encode(file(abspath("./scripts/")))

Just need to figure out why the run is failing.

Update 4

Script fails with:

Must not run with sudo

I am going to create a user in the script and have it run as that user. This should do the trick.


  • The custom_data part works peachy keen. This is the script I needed to get it running:

    set -e
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt install -y jq apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl gnupg lsb-release
    sudo apt install -y liblttng-ust0 libkrb5-3 zlib1g
    sudo apt install -y libssl1.1 || \
      sudo apt install -y libssl1.0.2 || \
      sudo apt install -y libssl1.0.0
    sudo apt install -y libicu67 || \
      sudo apt install -y libicu66 || \
      sudo apt install -y libicu63 || \
      sudo apt install -y libicu60 || \
      sudo apt install -y libicu57 || \
      sudo apt install -y libicu55 || \
      sudo apt install -y libicu52
    sudo addgroup vsts
    sudo useradd -s /bin/bash -d /home/vsts -m -g vsts vsts
    sudo usermod -aG sudo vsts
    sudo mkdir /vsts-install
    cd /vsts-install
    sudo curl -sSL --output vsts.tgz
    sudo tar -zxf vsts.tgz
    sudo chown -R vsts:vsts /vsts-install
    sudo su -c "./ --unattended --url${MY_ORGANIZATION} --auth pat --token ${MY_INJECTED_TOKEN} --pool ${MY_POOL_NAME} --replace 2>&1 | tee /tmp/CONFIG_LOG" vsts
    sudo ./ install || true
    sudo ./ stop || true
    sudo ./ start
    cd ..