I bring this question over from tex exchange because it didn't get much attention there The answer I got doesn't apply to tables longer than 3 rows. Please see how I could change my code. Thanks for your attention. https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/594324/how-to-replace-all-with-or-x-in-an-anova-table
neuralgia.glm <- glm(Pain ~ Treatment * Sex * Age, family=binomial, data = neuralgia)
model term df1 df2 F.ratio p.value
Treatment 2 Inf 0 1.0000
Sex 1 Inf 0 0.9964
Age 1 Inf 0 0.9941
Treatment:Sex 2 Inf 0 1.0000
Treatment:Age 2 Inf 0 1.0000
Sex:Age 1 Inf 0 0.9942
Treatment:Sex:Age 2 Inf 0 1.0000
I want to replace all the colons with x and add space for ease of view. That's what I tried with gsub(":", " x ")
. The print(neuralgia.glm, export = T)
command keeps the p-value format as <0.0001
instead of 0
when knitted.
This code gave me just an x. Using sub
or gsub
do the same.
joint_tests(neuralgia.glm) %>%
print(, export = T) %>%
gsub(":", " x ") %>%
This code replaced the colons with " x " but it broke the table.
gsub( "\\:", " x ", print(neuralgia.glm, export = T)) %>%
Note the order of the arguments to gsub()
has x =
as the third argument, not the first. So your piping wouldn't work.
neuralgia.glm <- glm(Pain ~ Treatment * Sex * Age, family=binomial, data = neuralgia)
#> Warning: glm.fit: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred
jt <- joint_tests(neuralgia.glm)
jt$`model term` <- gsub(":", " x ", jt$`model term`)
#> model term df1 df2 F.ratio p.value
#> Treatment 2 Inf 0 1.0000
#> Sex 1 Inf 0 0.9970
#> Age 1 Inf 0 0.9951
#> Treatment x Sex 2 Inf 0 1.0000
#> Treatment x Age 2 Inf 0 1.0000
#> Sex x Age 1 Inf 0 0.9952
#> Treatment x Sex x Age 2 Inf 0 1.0000
Created on 2021-06-07 by the reprex package (v2.0.0)