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How to filter an sqlalchemy query to all Parents w/o Children, and all Parents, who fall under conditions in a Flask Form

To begin with, I am very new to coding, so sorry in advance if it is not worth attention.

I work with one to many relationship. Let's say I have a Parent class and a Child class defined as follows:

class Parent(db.Model):
    __tablename__ = 'parent'
    id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
    name = db.Column(db.String(128), nullable = False)   
    age = db.Column(db.Integer(32), nullable = False) 
    children = db.relationship('Child', backref='parent', lazy='dynamic')

class Child(db.Model):
    __tablename__ = 'child'
    id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
    parent_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), nullable = False) 
    weight = db.Column(db.Integer(32), nullable = False)

What I want to do is outerjoin the tables and display info (name, age) of all parents who:

  1. Either do not have children
  2. Or both parents and children satisfy the conditions previously entered through a Flask form (user submits a range (let's say minimal and max weight of a child and same for age)). Parent appears in the result if they have at least one child that satisfies the conditions and the parent themselves satisfy it.

I succeeded in getting a query that satisfies either 1 or 2. These where the queries:

#1 Works!

parentssql=session.query(Parent, Child)\
.filter( == None)\

#2 Also works!

parents=session.query(Parent, Child)\
.filter(Parent.age.between(,, Child.weight.between(,\

So how do I combine those without making too many queries (basically as efficient as possible (question mark))

Thank you!


I tried using or and and conditions but it gave me an error. First I will add my edited code (originally it was about galaxies and line detections)

The edited query:

galaxies=session.query(Galaxy, Line)\
.filter( \
& (Galaxy.right_ascension.between(, | Galaxy.right_ascension == None ) \
& (Galaxy.declination.between(, | Galaxy.declination == None ) \
& (Galaxy.redshift.between(, | Galaxy.redshift == None ) \
& (Galaxy.lensing_flag.contains( | Galaxy.lensing_flag == None))

Here is where I add kinda condition ( == None) | (condition1 & condition2 & ...)

galaxies = galaxies.filter(( == None) | ((Line.j_upper.between(, | Line.j_upper == None ) \
& (Line.line_id_type.contains( | Line.line_id_type == None) \
& (Line.integrated_line_flux.between(, | Line.integrated_line_flux == None) \
& (Line.peak_line_flux.between(, | Line.peak_line_flux == None) \
& (Line.line_width.between(, | Line.line_width == None ) \
& (Line.observed_line_frequency.between(, | Line.observed_line_frequency == None ) \
& (Line.detection_type.contains( | Line.detection_type == None) \
& (Line.observed_beam_major.between(, | Line.observed_beam_major == None ) \
& (Line.observed_beam_minor.between(, | Line.observed_beam_minor == None ) \
& (Line.reference.contains(, Line.reference == None) ))
galaxies = galaxies.distinct(

And that was the error I was getting:

sqlalchemy.exc.ArgumentError: SQL expression for WHERE/HAVING role expected, got (<sqlalchemy.sql.elements.BinaryExpression object at 0x7f381585b790>, <sqlalchemy.sql.elements.BinaryExpression object at 0x7f3814eb6670>).


Solved the issue and made it work with the comments from @vitaliy below!


  • You can just add more criteria to filter function joining then with or_ and and_:

    parents = session.query(Parent, Child)\
    .filter(or_(and_(Parent.age.between(age_min, age_max), Child.weight.between(weight_min, weight_max)), == None))\

    I'm not sure what was the intention behind or_ in your code, but now it's doing nothing because only one argument is passed to or_ function. If you meant that Child.weight or Parent.age should satisfy provided conditions, then your filter should look like this:

    filter(or_(Parent.age.between(age_min, age_max), Child.weight.between(weight_min, weight_max), == None))

    I would also suggest making your code less redundant and more Pythonic:

    parents = session.query(Parent).outerjoin(Child)\
      .filter((Parent.age.between(age_min, age_max) & Child.weight.between(weight_min, weight_max)) | ( == None))\