attributes: ['id', 'studio_id', 'status', 'is_advance_purchase','content_types_id' ],
where: sequelize.and(sequelize.where(sequelize.col('ppv_plans.status'), '=', 1,sequelize.col('ppv_plans.studio_id'), '=', studio_id,sequelize.col('ppv_plans.is_advance_purchase'), '=', 1,sequelize.col('ppv_plans.content_types_id'), '', (1,4))),
include: [{
model: ppvAdvanceContentDb.models.ppv_advance_content.findAll(),
required: false
why it is showing error in console?? Is there any wrong? I am confused about how to join two tables in sequelize. Here I am trying to join two tables (ppv_plans and ppv_advance_content). Please tell me.
You don't need to add the call to .findAll()
, model
field should be just the reference to the associated model
Reference: https://sequelize.org/master/manual/eager-loading.html#fetching-all-associated-elements