I have an app that receives subscriptions from the user. I have implemented methods to receive payments and I can complete the transaction. When storing all the details in my database I can able to get details such as purchase id, purchase date and validity (returned P1Y for a 1-year subscription) but I also want to get the subscription end date is it possible? and how do I check if the user cancels the subscription or renews the subscription?
Revenue Cat:
Instead of using in_app_purchase I started using purchases_flutter (RevenueCat)
You can refer to their documentation for more information.
I currently use this method for in-app subscriptions.
Google Api:
I also managed to use google API to get the subscription details with the help of googleapis and googleapis_auth
IAP Helper class
Follow this documentation to complete the initial setup
Google API Credentials initialisation
final _credentials = ServiceAccountCredentials.fromJson(r'''
"private_key_id": "keyid",
"private_key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\nMIIEvgIBADAN<private key>Sf\nbB9OjCOGt7ybJmDkMBe2U5Tq\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n",
"client_email": "mail",
"client_id": "clientid",
"type": "service_account"
static const _scopes = [AndroidPublisherApi.androidpublisherScope];
Function to get Subscription details
Future getSubData({@required String token , @required String productId})async{
SubscriptionPurchase res;
final httpClient = await clientViaServiceAccount(_credentials, _scopes);
try {
final pubApi = AndroidPublisherApi(httpClient);
res = await pubApi.purchases.subscriptions.get('com.yourcompany.package', productId, token);
} finally {
return res;
Delivering the product
_deliverProduct({@required PurchaseDetails purchaseDetails})async{
await iap.completePurchase(purchaseDetails);
final firestore.DocumentReference userDocReference = firebase.doc("Users/$_id/userdata/data");
final firestore.CollectionReference historyDocReference = firebase.collection("Users/$_id/history/");
final SubscriptionPurchase apiRes = await getSubData(token:purchaseDetails.billingClientPurchase.purchaseToken,productId:purchaseDetails.productID);
var data = {
"TXN ID": purchaseDetails.billingClientPurchase.purchaseToken,
"Order ID":purchaseDetails.billingClientPurchase.orderId,
"Product ID":purchaseDetails.productID,
"TXN Date": firestore.Timestamp.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(int.parse(purchaseDetails.transactionDate)),
"Start Date":firestore.Timestamp.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(int.parse(apiRes.startTimeMillis)),
"Expiry Date": firestore.Timestamp.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(int.parse(apiRes.expiryTimeMillis)),
"Payment Status": apiRes.paymentState,
"isFreeTrail": (apiRes.paymentState==1)?false:true,
await userDocReference.set({"Subscription":data,"Sub_Raw":apiRes.toJson()},firestore.SetOptions(merge: true)); //set to main user
await historyDocReference.doc('${purchaseDetails.billingClientPurchase.purchaseToken}').set(data); //put in purchase history
Now you can check if the user is subscribed or not from your firstore BD
This method may provide temporary FIX (Google PlayStore only) but I do not recommend this method as it contains a lot of security issues.
Note: Google only provides 200K API call's per day avoid calling API to check for subscription repeatedly.
Note: Google API method only works with in_app_purchase: ^0.5.2
Note: Google API method only works for Android and doesn't work for IOS.
Other Alternates
You can write your own server-side code in node.js/cloud firestore and you can achieve the same.
Ref : Cook book in_app_purchase
I do not receive any incentive/payment from revenuecat for mentioning their product in this answer.