I have a query that executes a stored procedure and exports the results to an XML file via BCP. The process works, except that the encoding of the XML file is showing as UCS-2 and I am told that the system I will be importing it into needs it to be UTF-8. Various threads suggest this should be possible, but I can't seem to find the right syntax. My code below...
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[cli_sel_c4t_supplier_report]
@Consignment_id decimal(18,0),
@Supplier decimal(18,0),
@Username varchar(50)
DECLARE @fileName VARCHAR(50),
@sqlCmd VARCHAR(8000),
@sqlStr Varchar(8000)
SET @fileName = 'C:\C4T\' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), @Consignment_id) + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), @Supplier) + '.xml';
SET @sqlStr='EXEC [Company Database].[dbo].[cli_sel_c4t_xml_data] @Consignment_id = ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), @Consignment_id) + ', @Supplier = ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(12), @Supplier) + ';';
SET @sqlCmd = 'bcp "' + @sqlStr + '" queryout ' + @fileName + ' -c -C65001 -T -S "SVRNAME\INSTANCE"';
EXEC cli_ins_audit_c4t_file @Consignment_id=@Consignment_id, @Supplier_id=@Supplier, @Path=@fileName, @Username=@Username
EXEC xp_cmdshell @sqlCmd;
Any assistance would be appreciated.
To generate UTF-8 instead of UTF-16, use -c instead of -w parameter. The -c option in bcp export characters by single byte.
Explicitly specifying code page 1252, and UTF-8: -c -C 1252