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How to add test authorization with inherited TestContext in BUnit?

I have an inherited TestContext in BUnit and I want to add the Testauthorization.

This doesn't work:

using Bunit;
using Bunit.TestDoubles;
public class TestClass : TestContext
        public void CompTest()

if I use the "normal" version with the boilerplate code like following it works.

This works:

using Bunit;
using Bunit.TestDoubles;
public class TestClass
        public void CompTest()
            TestContext ctx = new TestContext();

So my question is, how to add test authorization with inherited TestContext in BUnit?


  • Since AddTestAuthorization is an extension method, you need to use this to get to it. Its an unfortunate limitation in the C# language.


    using Bunit;
    using Bunit.TestDoubles;
    public class TestClass : TestContext
            public void CompTest()