The elements which are multiples of 10 are swapped with the value present in the very next position in the list.
For example If the content of list P is:
[91, 50, 54, 22, 30, 54]
Then content of list P should become:
[91, 54, 50, 22, 54, 30]
But I am getting something like:
[91, 54, 50, 54, 22, 54, 30, 54]
The non multiple of 10 element is getting reapeted.
Can someone give me a solution to it. Thanks.
NOTE: It is assumed that consecutive elements are not multiple of 10. And the last element is not a multiple of 10.
n=int(input("Enter number of elements:"))
for i in range(1,n+1):
b=int(input("Enter element:"))
for i in range(s):
if l[i] % 10 == 0:
In this case you can't go forward because you would move the target elements all the way to the end. A nice trick to avoid this is to loop backwards, then it's very easy.
Disclaimer: This doesn't work for consecutive multiples of ten as pointed out by Daniel Hao below!!
data = [91, 50, 54, 22, 30, 54]
for i in reversed(range(len(data))):
if data[i] % 10 == 0:
# move the item one slot to the right
data.insert(i+1, data.pop(i))