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How to print receipt with PAX a 920?

I have Pax A920 which runs with android . So how to using printing service in java?


  • I suggest you to use the Neptune api. you can google pax 920 neptune api demo and the fist link that shows up ( contains a demo that shows all the basic functions (including the printer) and you can run it on your device:

    In the Application you first need a function to retrieve the IDAL:

    public static IDAL getDal() {
        if(dal == null){ //dal is a private static IDAL variable of the application
            try {
                dal = NeptuneLiteUser.getInstance().getDal(context);
            } catch (Exception e) {}
        return dal;

    then in your activity you can just do the following:

    try {
        IPrinter printer=   MyApp.getDal().getPrinter();
        printer.printStr("Your text",null);
    } catch (PrinterDevException e) {