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new line character(enter key) in C++

I want to write a program to do a process after each sentences. like this:

char letter;
while(std::cin >> letter)
  if(letter == '\n')
    // here do the process and show the results.


I want that when the user press the enter key (means that the sentences is finished) so that we do a process and then after showing some result the user can enter new phrases but the line if(letter == '\n') doesn't work as I expect. please tell me how I can do this. thank you.


  • If I understand your question and you want to trap the '\n' character, then you need to use std::cin.get(letter) instead of std::cin >> letter; As explained in the comment, the >> operator will discard leading whitespace, so the '\n' left in stdin is ignored on your next loop iteration.

    std::cin.get() is a raw read and will read each character in stdin. See std::basic_istream::get For example:

    #include <iostream>
    int main (void) {
        char letter;
        while (std::cin.get(letter)) {
            if (letter == '\n')
                std::cout << "got newline\n";

    Will generate a "got newline" output after Enter is pressed each time.