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Get-AzureADMSPrivilegedResource comlet is failing with Gateway Timeout! <AzureADPReview module>

I want to elevate a Azure Resource thru PIM Elevation. And after long search, i found that ... AzureADPreview is the module that helps me do that!

But, I am not able to move forward, as I keep facing this error of Gateway Timeout! when I try the below command!!

Get-AzureADMSPrivilegedResource –ProviderId AzureResources

I have ensured trying all below to ensure that I have logged into Azure Account...

Connect-AzAccount Connect-AzureAD Connect-pimservice Connect-MgGraph Connect-Graph

Also, had set the subscription in context, but NO Luck!

Below are the links I referred...

enter image description here

enter image description here


  • Try my method:

    1. Run PowerShell as an administrator.

    2. Download the AzureADPreview module Install-module AzureADPreview. Please note that you must uninstall all AzureAD modules before downloading the AzureADPreview module UnInstall-Module AzureAD, because too many conflicting commands will cause errors.

    3. Run the Connect-AzureAD command and log in with the Azure AD global administrator account.

    4. Run the command.

    enter image description here