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Request.user has no attribute user when used in

request.user generates a AttributeError: 'WSGIRequest' object has no attribute 'user' error when I try to use it in my file. Am I doing something wrong?

def show_toolbar(request):
    if DEBUG:
        return True
    #if not request.is_ajax() and request.user and request.user.UserSettings.debugger:
    #    return True
    return False
    'SHOW_TOOLBAR_CALLBACK': 'acacia2.settings.show_toolbar',


  • I can't say for sure without seeing your list of middleware, but this is what I suspect is happening:

    Why does it not work

    • The user attribute is set by the contrib.auth middleware.
    • The function that you define above gets called by the django-debug-toolbar middleware.

    If your django-debug-toolbar middleware is before the contrib.auth middleware in the list of middleware defined in your MIDDLEWARE setting, then when the request reaches your debug-toolbar middleware it won't have had a user object set on it yet. Hence your error ('WSGIRequest' object has no attribute 'user').

    How to fix it

    Make sure the django-debug-toolbar middleware goes after the auth middleware, e.g:
