currently working on a script to convert files from jsonl format to a CSV format and towards the end I wrote a line to include a header for the csv file to identify each variable converted. However, it seems that the CSV file generated from the script seems to have a header for each json line read, and I want just a file that has the header on row 1 with the rest of the values below, instead of a separate header for each individual json line read. I hope someone can help me out with this, thank you!
Sample jsonl:
{"symbol": "DOGE-PERP", "timestamp": 1621948955550, "datetime": "2021-05-25T13:22:35.550Z", "high": null, "low": null, "bid": 0.342372, "bidVolume": null, "ask": 0.3424855, "askVolume": null, "vwap": null, "open": null, "close": 0.3424025, "last": 0.3424025, "previousClose": null, "change": null, "percentage": 0.039249281423858244, "average": null, "baseVolume": null, "quoteVolume": 433162290.0506585, "info": {"name": "DOGE-PERP", "enabled": true, "postOnly": false, "priceIncrement": "5e-7", "sizeIncrement": "1.0", "minProvideSize": "1.0", "last": "0.3424025", "bid": "0.342372", "ask": "0.3424855", "price": "0.3424025", "type": "future", "baseCurrency": null, "quoteCurrency": null, "underlying": "DOGE", "restricted": false, "highLeverageFeeExempt": false, "change1h": "0.023470298206100425", "change24h": "0.039249281423858244", "changeBod": "-0.07136396489976689", "quoteVolume24h": "433162290.0506585", "volumeUsd24h": "433162290.0506585"}}
{"symbol": "DOGE-PERP", "timestamp": 1621948955976, "datetime": "2021-05-25T13:22:35.976Z", "high": null, "low": null, "bid": 0.3424955, "bidVolume": null, "ask": 0.3427185, "askVolume": null, "vwap": null, "open": null, "close": 0.3427185, "last": 0.3427185, "previousClose": null, "change": null, "percentage": 0.04020839466903005, "average": null, "baseVolume": null, "quoteVolume": 433162290.0506585, "info": {"name": "DOGE-PERP", "enabled": true, "postOnly": false, "priceIncrement": "5e-7", "sizeIncrement": "1.0", "minProvideSize": "1.0", "last": "0.3427185", "bid": "0.3424955", "ask": "0.3427185", "price": "0.3427185", "type": "future", "baseCurrency": null, "quoteCurrency": null, "underlying": "DOGE", "restricted": false, "highLeverageFeeExempt": false, "change1h": "0.024414849178225707", "change24h": "0.04020839466903005", "changeBod": "-0.07050693556414092", "quoteVolume24h": "433162290.0506585", "volumeUsd24h": "433162290.0506585"}}
What the CSV file currently looks like:
My script:
import glob
import json
import csv
import time
start = time.time()
#import pandas as pd
from flatten_json import flatten
#Path of jsonl file
File_path = (r'C:\Users\Natthanon\Documents\Coding 101\Python\JSONL')
#reading all jsonl files
files = [f for f in glob.glob( File_path + "**/*.jsonl", recursive=True)]
for f in files:
with open(f, 'r') as F:
for line in F:
#flatten json files
data = json.loads(line)
#creating csv files
with open(r'C:\Users\Natthanon\Documents\Coding 101\Python\CSV\\' + f.split("\\")[-1] +".csv", 'a' , newline='') as csv_file:
thewriter = csv.writer(csv_file)
thewriter.writerow(["symbol", "timestamp", "datetime","high","low","bid","bidVolume","ask","askVolume","vwap","open","close","last","previousClose","change","percentage","average","baseVolume","quoteVolume"])
#headers should be the Key values from json files that make Coulmn header
You need to move your output CSV file open()
to before you start parsing the lines, something like:
import glob
import json
import csv
import time
start = time.time()
#import pandas as pd
from flatten_json import flatten
#Path of jsonl file
File_path = (r'C:\Users\Natthanon\Documents\Coding 101\Python\JSONL')
#reading all jsonl files
files = [f for f in glob.glob( File_path + "**/*.jsonl", recursive=True)]
i = 0
for f in files:
with open(f, 'r') as F:
#creating csv files
with open(r'C:\Users\Natthanon\Documents\Coding 101\Python\CSV\\' + f.split("\\")[-1] + ".csv", 'w' , newline='') as csv_file:
thewriter = csv.writer(csv_file)
thewriter.writerow(["symbol", "timestamp", "datetime","high","low","bid","bidVolume","ask","askVolume","vwap","open","close","last","previousClose","change","percentage","average","baseVolume","quoteVolume"])
for line in F:
#flatten json files
data = json.loads(line)
data_1 = flatten(data)
#headers should be the Key values from json files that make Column header
In your code you are opening and closing the file for each line, and also adding the header each time.