I would like to display a dataframe structure nicely, especially showing column names and class. I want to do something kind of like this:
str(my_df) %>% tbl_summary()
I know that doesn't work, but I thought it would explain what I wanted to do well. There are quite a few images showing class in the table output but I can't find example code anywhere. I've been trying with gtsummary.
Desired output something like so...
You may construct the data that you want to display and use any of the pretty table display library.
data <- setNames(stack(sapply(iris, class))[2:1], c('variable', 'class'))
# variable class
#1 Sepal.Length numeric
#2 Sepal.Width numeric
#3 Petal.Length numeric
#4 Petal.Width numeric
#5 Species factor