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How to implement a filter option in QTableWidget

In my application, I have QTableWidget displaying multiple rows, a line edit to enter a string and a push button.

The requirement says, upon clicking on the push button, the same QTableWidget should show only rows which contain the string entered into the line edit.

I thought of using a QSortFilterProxyModel, but QTableWidget has setModel(...) method private, so I am unable to use QSortFilterProxyModel in this case.


  • Using a sort/filter proxy is probably overkill for this anyway.

    It's a matter of iterating through all of your QTableWidgetItem objects, determining if their text matches the filter and calling QTableView::setRowHidden() as needed.

    For example:

    QString filter = textEdit->text();
    for( int i = 0; i < table->rowCount(); ++i )
        bool match = false;
        for( int j = 0; j < table->columnCount(); ++j )
            QTableWidgetItem *item = table->item( i, j );
            if( item->text().contains(filter) )
                match = true;
        table->setRowHidden( i, !match );