So I have an Applescript that's not very resource hungry so I always want it running. If I try to save it as an application, the options Show startup screen
and Stay open after run handler
can be ticked, but I don't think that's what I want. I am pretty sure that you can do this, since it's mentioned in this blogpost, quote:
I found myself writing a piece of applescript to ... whenever the computer booted up.
I found no way of doing this online so every help would be appreciated.
Here is script to add your application to Startup Items programatically:
on addAppToLoginItemsAfterCheckingInOnes(appName)
set appPath to (path to application appName)
on error
display notification "Application with this name NOT founded" sound name "Frog"
end try
tell application "System Events"
set allLoginItems to name of every login item
on error
set allLoginItems to {}
end try
if {appName} is not in allLoginItems then tell application "System Events" to make login item at end with properties {path:appPath, hidden:false}
end tell
end addAppToLoginItemsAfterCheckingInOnes
my addAppToLoginItemsAfterCheckingInOnes("BBEdit")
NOTE: on the Catalina and Big Sur three properties of login item (kind, path and name) are read-only. It is Apple security changes. So, you should add login items using Users & Groups pane of System Preferences, manually. Requires authentication.