I'm trying to plot some big cities of Spain and tag them with their names, according to Natural Earth data. If I only plot the points, using ax.scatter, I get my figure correctly, without points outside it. But when doing ax.text in the same way, I get all the names of cities of the world outside the picture...
The code is here:
import cartopy.crs as ccrs
import cartopy.io.shapereader as shpreader
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
# Downloaded from https://gadm.org/download_country_v3.html. Those are the borders
fname = 'C:/Users/lordf/Downloads/gadm36_ESP_shp/gadm36_ESP_2.shp'
adm1_shapes = list(shpreader.Reader(fname).geometries())
cname = shpreader.natural_earth(resolution='10m', category='cultural', name='populated_places')
reader = shpreader.Reader(cname) #data of cities
ax = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.PlateCarree())
ax.set_extent([-10, 1, 35, 45], ccrs.PlateCarree())
ax.add_geometries(adm1_shapes, ccrs.PlateCarree(),
edgecolor='black', facecolor='gray', alpha=0.5) #borders
points = list(reader.geometries())
cities = list(reader.records())
ax.scatter([point.x for point in points],
[point.y for point in points],
s=[10*np.exp(1/(city.attributes['SCALERANK']+1)) for city in cities], c='r')
#trying to match the size of the point to the population
#This gives me error, dont know why:
# ax.text([point.x for point in points], [point.y for point in points],
# [city.attributes['NAME'] for city in cities],
# transform=ccrs.PlateCarree())
#This is what plots the text outside the figure:
for i in range(len(points)):
ax.text(points[i].x, points[i].y, cities[i].attributes['NAME'], transform=ccrs.PlateCarree())
ax.set_extent([-10, 1, 35, 45], ccrs.PlateCarree())
This is part of the image output Thanks for any help.
You must select only points
and cities
of Kingdom of Spain
before plotting. Here is the relevant code:
spain_points = []
spain_cities = []
for city,xy in zip(cities, points):
if city.attributes["SOV0NAME"]=="Kingdom of Spain":
print(city.attributes["NAME"], xy)
Then proceed with spain_points
and spain_cities
in places of points
and cities
in your code.