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Not able to see metrics on datadog sent by statsd

I am trying to integrate statsd+datadog.

  • I have launched the dd-agent container with -e DD_DOGSTATSD_NON_LOCAL_TRAFFIC="true" , and apiKey is also correct (container logs confirm this)
  • I am using the official code example to test the integration
  • On datadog dashboard, in metrics explorer, I see data coming in for datadog.dogstatsd.client.metrics


  • But not able to find the exact metrics I am pushing anywhere on datadog dashboard, how to see the metrics I pushed via statsd?
  • How can I see this graph as shown from official documentation (image below)

enter image description here


  • I was finally able to solve the problem by explicitly opening udp port of my docker container, i.e. -

    -p 8125:8125/udp

    full docker run command with necessary env vars and correct port binding would be

    docker run --name dd-agent -e DD_API_KEY=<the-api-key> -e DD_SITE="" -e DD_DOGSTATSD_NON_LOCAL_TRAFFIC="true" -p 8125:8125/udp