Are there any "quote" symbols that you can use if you run out of them?
I know one can use "
and '
(and, perhaps a combination of them) like "''" (somehow)
A example of a "additional" "quote" symbol would be
inside quotes.
If I make a python script, and "used up" both "
and '
, is there any more chars that I can use to indicate a quote?
No. From what I can tell, '
and "
are the only quotes than can be used in a string literal. The Lexical Analysis page contains this information:
shortstring ::= "'" shortstringitem* "'" | '"' shortstringitem* '"'
longstring ::= "'''" longstringitem* "'''" | '"""' longstringitem* '"""'
In plain English: Both types of literals can be enclosed in matching single quotes (') or double quotes ("). They can also be enclosed in matching groups of three single or double quotes (these are generally referred to as triple-quoted strings).
Which suggests that those are the only two options.