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Terraform 0.12 issue . This object does not have an attribute named "xyz"

i have a project that i created in terraform 0.12 and its modularized.

its something like:


i will be calling the outputs values in sg[security group] using remote state.

i was able to call the outputs values form sg to ecs and other modules successfully but while doing same in alb i get following error. "This object does not have an attribute named "alb_sg"".

the file for sg is

output "alb_sg" {
value = [module.alb_sg.this_security_group_id]}


Security group Output from terraform apply:

alb_sg = [

ecs_sg = [

efs_sg = [

alb resource code from alb module :

resource "aws_lb" this
name = somename
subnets = flatten(module.vpc_presets.subnet_ids)
security_groups = [data.terraform_remote_state.remote_state_sg.outputs.alb_sg]

internal = "true"
loab_balancer_type = "application"
tags = var.tags

the error after i do terraform apply from inside alb module

Error: Unsupported attribute. 

on line 12, in resource "aws_lb" "this"

12: security_groups = [data.terraform_remote_state.remote_state_sg.outputs.alb_sg]

data.terraform_remote_state.remote_state_sg.outputs is object with 3 attributes

This object does not have an attribute named “alb_sg”


  • The issue was with wrong reference to the remote state. i was referring to different remote state and that was not having alb_sg attribute. after going through the code again i realized that it was coding issue.