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Cannot crop image using react-image-crop

I trying to crop image using react-image-crop ( Actually I cannot move cropped area or stretch it. I also use there React DragZone to upload image. Could you explain what I'm doing wrong and what could be the problem ? React-image-crop css is also imported. Can anybody help?

This cropped area do not move and do not resizeble

import React, {useCallback} from 'react'
import {useDropzone} from 'react-dropzone'
import ReactCrop from 'react-image-crop'
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import 'react-image-crop/dist/ReactCrop.css';
import "../Styles/ImageUpload.css"

function ImageUpload(files, addFile) {

  const crop = {
    disabled: false,
    locked: false,
    unit: 'px', // default, can be 'px' or '%'
    x: 130,
    y: 50,
    width: 200,
    height: 200

  const onCrop = (image, pixelCrop, fileName) => { 

  const onImageLoaded = (image) => {

  const onCropComplete = async crop => {

  const onDrop = useCallback((acceptedFiles, rejectedFiles) => {
    if (Object.keys(rejectedFiles).length !== 0) {
    else {

      let popupBody = document.getElementsByClassName("popup-container")[0];
      popupBody.innerHTML = "";
      let cropElement = (<ReactCrop src = {URL.createObjectURL(acceptedFiles[0])} crop={crop} 
      onChange={onCrop} />);

      ReactDOM.render(cropElement, popupBody);

  }, [])

  const {getRootProps, getInputProps, isDragActive} = useDropzone({onDrop, noKeyboard: true})

  return (
    <div className = "popup-container">
    <p>Upload new photo</p>
      (() => {
        if (files.length == undefined) {          
          return (<div>
            <input className = "testinput" {...getInputProps()} />
            <div className = "popup-body" {...getRootProps()}> 
              <img src={require("../Resources/upload-image.png")} className = "image-upload-img"/>                        
              <p style = {{'font-family':'Verdana'}}>Chouse a <b className = "file-manualy- 
              upload">file</b> or drag it here</p>      
            </div> </div>)
        else {



  • I also face the same issue, Here you are trying to add disabled, locked in crop property but it is invalid because crop property takes following values:

      unit: 'px', // default, can be 'px' or '%'
      x: 130,
      y: 50,
      width: 200,
      height: 200

    To solve this add disabled, locked as a props in component instead of crop property.