I am trying to RSI Indicator in CandleStick chart using Syncfusion package. Everything works but if the y axis value is very large say it starts at higher than 10000. But RSI is only shown below 100. So, there is large gap 100-10000 in the chart. How can I remove the gap?
We have analyzed your requirement and the scenario can be achieved by rendering the RSI indicator in the secondary y-axis. Find the code below to accomplish this.
axes: [
opposedPosition: true,
name: 'yAxis',
indicators: <TechnicalIndicators<_SalesData, DateTime>>[
RsiIndicator<_SalesData, DateTime>(
seriesName: 'AAPL',
yAxisName: 'yAxis',
//Other configurations
series: <ChartSeries<_SalesData, DateTime>>[
CandleSeries<_SalesData, DateTime>(
name: 'AAPL'
//Other configurations
We have attached main.dart file here for your reference.