I am trying to decorate 5 functions with an exception handling function. Each decorated function is to accept a differing number of parameters but all will have one important parameter in common, fname. I'd like to use that common parameter, as example shows below.
This comes close but I can't get to fname:
def mydeco(func):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
#print(fname) <== this fails as well;
#Unwrapping args gives 'SyntaxError: can't use starred expression here'
print('Before func')
answer = func(*args,**kwargs)
print('after func in wrapper')
if answer == 2:
print(f"Great job {fname}")
except Exception as e:
print('blah', e)
return wrapper
def long(fname, lname):
print(f"hello {fname} {lname}")
return 2
def short(fname):
print(f"hello {fname}")
long('Bob', 'Smith')
Before func
hello Bob
after func in wrapper
('Bob', 'Smith')
Before func
hello Bob Smith
after func in wrapper
blah name 'fname' is not defined
Am I way off?
The wrapper function's parameters are *args
and **kwargs
. The lname
and fname
parameters are not defined in wrapper outside of the inner functions.
In this function call
long('Bob', 'Smith')
the positional arguments are passed as an *args tuple. They can be accessed in wrapper as follows: args[0]
and args[1]
Alternatively, if you change the function call to
long(fname = 'Bob', lname = 'Smith')
then the keyword arguments will be passed as a **kwargs dictionary. They can be accessed as follows: kwargs['fname']
and kwargs['lname']