I am trying to use the assertive
package for run-time testing, and I would like to pass column names using the pipe.
Here's a simple example:
df <- tibble(Name = c("DONALD", "JAIME", "LINDA"))
This works but doesn't use the pipe:
assertive::assert_all_are_true(df$Name == str_to_upper(df$Name))
This uses the pipe, but doesn't work:
df %>% assertive::assert_all_are_true(Name == str_to_upper(Name))
#> Error in match.arg(severity): object 'Name' not found
How can I pipe column names to assertive
We can use with
df %>%
with(., assertive::assert_all_are_true(Name == str_to_upper(Name)))
Or extract the column with .$
df %>%
{assertive::assert_all_are_true(.$Name == str_to_upper(.$Name))}
Or with |>
from R 4.1.0
df |>
{\(x) assertive::assert_all_are_true(x$Name == str_to_upper(x$Name))}()