Following along with the documentation of pint-pandas and pint as best I could, I have an implementation which does not seem to want to work. This reproduces my UndefinedUnitError.
import pint
import pint_pandas
ureg = UnitRegistry()
df = pd.DataFrame([[4,5,6],[1,3,4]], dtype='pint[bpm]' )
My pint_unit_definitions.txt file looks like this:
minute = 60 * second = min
beats_per_minute = beat / minute = bpm
hertz = counts / second = hz
beat = [heart_beats] = b
What am I doing wrong?
Andrew Savage kindly answered this question for me on github. It turns out I was missing a line. It works as below:
import pint
import pint_pandas
ureg = UnitRegistry()
pint_pandas.PintType.ureg = ureg
df = pd.DataFrame([[4,5,6],[1,3,4]], dtype='pint[bpm]' )