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Starting to us ProjectLocker - new to SVN

I have never used SVN, but am familiar with some SM (source safe a looong time ago). The project is a web-based project hosted with an ISP ( The group I'm working with is using Dreamweaver, and I found a tutorial for using SVN, but I have what I'm sure are some really basic questions...

1) What is the best way to get the files from ISP to projectlocker? (initial check in)

2) I currently save the file locally, then upload (put) with DW. Will I need to do a put to projectlocker, then a separate put to the server?

3) Can someone explain how I can manage the versioning?

I know these are really wide open questions. If some has a good M for the RTFM solution please advise. I'm trying to get in at the "for dummies" level with a "bible" resource I can go to later.


  • Pretty much everything you need in terms of Dreamweaver SVN functionality is in Adobe's Using Subversion with Dreamweaver tutorial.

    You'll need to get the files from your ISP down to a local path on your machine before committing them to SVN.

    The process of committing to source control is independent of that to publishing to a web server. You'll (hopefully) commit very frequently to Subversion compared to publishing to your hosting provider.

    You might also find The 10 commandments of good source control management useful.