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What environment do I need to run a vasturiano 3D-Force Graph?

I only know javascript from a web browser perspective but I need to display data online in the way this web component does:

The thing is that the setup instructions there aren't newbies friendly at all. It assumes some basic to advanced knowledge. So I made some research and even though everyone talking about the component say it's very easy to implement, none of them say how.

I kind of presume that there must be some javascript server involved (node.js ?). That Three.js and d3-force-3d must be imported (somehow, somewhere). But that's it. I'm not even sure it's enough. But I just can't figure out how to setup the whole thing so that I can run one of those scripts.

So, can anyone just give me hints, at a newbie level, so that I can work my way through using those scripts? Because at this point, I'm willing to search but I don't know what to search for exactly. I'm lacking the big picture while the info in the link are very particular and not very thorough.

I searched the web for two days but there is not much to find about 3d-force-graph and there is zero info on how to set it up.

All I need is a bridge in terms of info, so that these scripts can be set up and run (with custom data) by a non expert. I mean what environment, what libraries/dependencies, what to import, how to import, etc. Not necessarily in details as any help would be a good starting point.

Thank you.


  • I was able to run the basic example by simply creating an .html file and putting it in a web server. So if you grab the Basic example ( and get that file content into your development web server.

    So the index.html file would look like:

      <style> body { margin: 0; } </style>
      <script src="//"></script>
      <div id="3d-graph"></div>
        // Random tree
        const N = 300;
        const gData = {
          nodes: [...Array(N).keys()].map(i => ({ id: i })),
          links: [...Array(N).keys()]
            .filter(id => id)
            .map(id => ({
              source: id,
              target: Math.round(Math.random() * (id-1))
        const Graph = ForceGraph3D()

    Just open it in your browser and it should work.

    Regarding the dependencies, it looks like you only need to import one, there are different import options (mentioned here, the way you import it will depend on your development environment.