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Scrapy - yield nested dictionary to JSON file - doesn't work


As Georgiy suggested, I tried to yield dict instead of Item and the results are the same.


Trying to export Scrapy output to a JSON file. An item should have this format:

{'name':'Peter', 'attrs':{'attr1':<VAL>, 'attr2':<VAL>}}

The problem is that Scrapy renders name only. The reason is probably that attrs is a dictionary.

class CookieBotItem(scrapy.Item):
    name = scrapy.Field()
    attrs = scrapy.Field()

For the simplicity I return always this:

    yield CookieBotItem(name='Peter',
                            'attr1': 'val1',
                            'attr2': 'val2'}

And the ouput looks like this:

{"name": "Peter"},
{"name": "Peter"},
{"name": "Peter"},
{"name": "Peter"},
{"name": "Peter"},
{"name": "Peter"},
{"name": "Peter"},
{"name": "Peter"}

Do you know how to make it work?


  • Not sure about usage of Item classes here for this.. nested items.
    The fastest way to achieve this is to yield dictionaries (not Item class objects):

        yield {
               'name': 'Peter',
               'attrs':{'attr1': 'val1','attr2': 'val2'}