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Propagating Clips Error Messages in PyClips

I'm finding it very difficult to develop with PyClips, because it appears to replace useful error messages thrown by Clips with a generic "syntax error" message. This makes debugging very laborious and practically impossible on large codebases when using PyClips.

Consider the following example. I wrote a very large expression, which contained the multiplication operator, but I mistakenly forgot to add the second argument. Instead of simply telling I was missing an argument, PyClips told me there was a syntax error. What should have taken me 1 second to correct, took me 5 minutes to correct as I hunted through my large expression, looking for the mistake.

Here's a condensed version:

In Clips, with a useful error message:

CLIPS> (defrule myrule "" (myfact 123) => (bind ?prob (* (min 1 2))))
[ARGACCES4] Function * expected at least 2 argument(s)

(defrule MAIN::myrule ""
   (myfact 123)
   (bind ?prob (* (min 1 2))

And in PyClips, with an unuseful error message:

>>> import clips
>>> clips.BuildRule('myrule','(myfact 123)','(bind ?prob (* (min 1 2)))','')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/clips/", line 2839, in BuildRule
_clips.ClipsError: C08: syntax error, or unable to parse expression

How can I get PyClips to give me the real error thrown by Clips?


  • Catch the ClipsError, then read ErrorStream for the details. For example:

    engine = clips.Environment()
    except clips.ClipsError: