I have a dataset with different columns. I want to find the 10% highest and lowest values in the RES column and delete all corresponding values.
So far I have this:
Tdata=Trim(data$res, trim=0.1)
Tdata = as.data.frame(Tdata)
hist(data$res); hist(Tdata)
It seems to me that this does the job in deleting the 10% highest and lowest values but it does so by creating a new variable. Instead, I want to delete all corresponding rows from the dataset.
In this GoogleDrive folder you can find the dataset.
Thank you in advance
Not tested, but
#set to data.table object
dt <- as.data.table(data)
#select only rows between 0.1 and 0.9 quantiles
dt <- dt[res >= quantile(res, 0.1) & res <= quantile(res, 0.9)]